
Press release: We mourn the death of our cocreator

English: On March 11, 2021, our vice president and co-creator passed away surrounded by his wife Venus and his most esteemed employees. Eugenio Estù Diôs was key in the development of the company and was the head behind ideas such as Joestar Studios: The Game, published on the Play Store with an exclusive agreement or our smart car division, that has helped to lay the foundations of the autonomous car of those that have benefited Tesla and other companies in the sector. Eugenio, we will miss when you celebrated the launch of a product saying "Let's kill da Hoooooo" or when you encouraged our employees to shout "VAMONOS"  Korean: 2021 년 3 월 11 일, 부사장 겸 공동 창작자가 아내 비너스와 가장 존경받는 직원들에게 둘러싸여 세상을 떠났습니다. Eugenio Estù Diôs는 회사 개발의 핵심이었으며 Joestar Studios : The Game과 같은 아이디어의 책임자였습니다. Tesla 및 해당 부문의 다른 기업에 혜택을 준 기업 중 Eugenio, "Let 's kill da Hoooooo"라는 제품 출시를 축하하거나 직원들에게 ""라고 외치도록 격려했을 때 우리는 그리워 할 것입니다. Japanese: 2021年3月11日、私たちの副社長兼共同作成者は、妻のヴィーナスと彼の...

Game Beta and trailer!

Today we're launching our first game trailer, which will be available on Youtube and Instagram TV: Also, you can exclusively play the game beta from here:

UX improvement & Art Portfolio v2

Paraa seguir mejorando y acercandonos al punto en el que Joestar Studios: The Game sea jugable para todos debemos seguir trabajando, por eso en estas últimas semanas hemos intoducido mejoras a la experiencia del usuario, (UX) las cuales estan todavía en pruebas y no disponibles al publico como marcos de los enemigos, separadores para las partes de la pantalla o fondos para las mejoras ya disponibles y todas las que vendran! Si creeis que otros colores se ajustarían mejor al juego nos lo podeis dejar en los comentarios. Aparte, seguimos experimentando con nuestro estilo artístico para dar en el clavo. Estos son algunos de los sprites creados con diferentes estilos para decidirnos entre alguno de ellos.   Por último, estamos buscando un color primario para el fondo y nos tenemos que decidir entre azul y amarillo con dos patrones.

Game February Update

In this patch we've been working at performance improvement and battle system integration, so you won't see any huge updates and the battle system could be a little big bugged until we integrate the last changes for March beta.

Joestar's Art Portfolio

Here we are going to post ALL the sprites present in the game as we finish it WITHOUT any order ENEMIES: COINS: UPGRADES:

Joestar Studios: The Game BETA NOW!

Play beta until 10 of january in


JOESTAR DIRECTO CLAVENOTA 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO WINTER EDITION   Actualizaciones de Joestar Studios: The Game. Estad atentos!!